Prof. Jeff Dahn, FRSC, O.C.
Principal Investigator - NSERC/Tesla
Canada/Dalhousie Alliance Grant
Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H4R2 Canada
Long Lifetime Li-ion and Na-ion Batteries
Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Ph.D., D.Sc., Dr.h.c.
Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Distinguished University Professor
Director, A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
2D MXenes for Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications

Click here for abstract
Prof. Dr. Albert Schulte
School of Biomolecular Science and Engineering (BSE)
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC)
"Be simple, cheap, small and/or robotic:
Practical concepts for green and sustainable electroanalysis & electrochemical biosensing"
Click here for abstract
Assoc. Prof. Montree Sawangphruk, D.Phil., AMRSC
Director of Centre of Excellence of Energy Storage Technology (CEST)
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC)
Electric Vehicle Batteries: Present Outlook and Emerging Trends
Click here for abstract
Keynote Speakers from Industrial Partners
Dr. Taradon Piromchart
Sr. Engineer, Technology and Innovation Development, PhD
PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP)
Dr. Atiweena Krittayavathananon
PTT Public Company Limited (PTT)
Mr. Issarush Kajornrungslip
Technology and Innovation Division Manager
PTT LNG Company Limited (PTTLNG)
Dr. Chuchawin Changtong
Research Specialist
IRPC Public Company Limited (IRPC)
Wanchai Meesiri, Ph.D.
Bangkok High LAB Co., Ltd.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (Faculty members & senoir researchers)
Please select the speaker poster to view the abstract.
INVITED SPEAKERS (Postdoctoral & junior researchers)
Please select the speaker poster to view the abstract.
Please select the speaker poster to view the abstract.
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