Dear Graduates, As your advisor, it is my great joy and privilege to congratulate each of you on this milestone. Watching your growth, determination, and achievements has been incredibly rewarding.


Dear Graduates, As your advisor, it is my great joy and privilege to congratulate each of you on this milestone. Watching your growth, determination, and achievements has been incredibly rewarding.

Dear Graduates,
As your advisor, it is my great joy and privilege to congratulate each of you on this milestone. Watching your growth, determination, and achievements has been incredibly rewarding. Each of you has overcome challenges and accomplished much, leaving a mark not only in your research but also in the field.

I am proud of what you have achieved and excited to see the positive impact you will bring to the world. Keep pushing boundaries, stay curious, and know that I am always here to support you in all your future endeavors.

Congratulations once again!
With pride and best wishes,
Montree Sawangphruk
Centre of Excellence for Energy Storage Technology (CEST)
School of Energy Science and Engineering (ESE)
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC)

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